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Friday, May 29, 2015

On Evaluating Merits of Revised Chronologies

Image result for velikovsky ages in chaos

[To Damien Mackey],

It’s a joy to find your work. About seven months ago, I became very interested in chronological revisionism, first concerning the exodus from Egypt and conquest of Canaan, but then more radical revisionism so that the Egyptian civilization (and others) might postdate the Flood (around 2274 BC in my estimation). I’ve read the work of David Rohl and Peter James, who appear to be “soft revisionists”- reworking the chronology so that the exodus and conquest make good sense, and I’m starting to read Donovan Courville right now. The difficulty is that I, as a non-expert, have virtually no way of evaluating the merits of these respective chronologies, especially where they diverge (concerning whether the Old Kingdom ought to undergo a radical revision and concerning the dates of the Amarna period on).
Do you have any recommendations as to where I should begin, and what work I should read first?

Thanks much,

Damien Mackey Replies:

I can well appreciate how perplexing you must find the whole thing to be. There is the conventional system of which we need to have some grasp, and then there are all of those quite different revised systems, none fully agreeing.
Peter James and David Rohl have been important, inasmuch as they have corrected some of the mistakes made by Velikovsky (who was a pioneer). Peter James’s “Centuries of Darkness” is a classic, and ought to be read. But I would agree with you that their actual revisions are “soft”, floating precariously halfway between Velikovsky and convention.
Courville is very good, but rather heavy going. He, too, was a pioneer and stands in need of some modifications. But he will set you on a good path.
There are some anchors that I personally would insist upon, and you will find these within my 5-part series:”Bible Bending Pharaonic Egypt”.
bringing Egyptian history into line with the Bible.
E.g. Dr. John Osgood’s stratigraphy for the period of Abram, in
And also, there, the Middle Bronze I people as the Exodus Israelites.
Courville has missed the compelling link between Joseph of Egypt and Imhotep.
In: https://www.academia.edu/11096667/Bible_Bending_Pharaonic_Egypt._Part_Two_A_Saul_David_to_Shishak_
Velikovsky’s thesis that the Kingdom of Israel and Egypt’s 18th dynasty were contemporaneous, with Hatshepsut as the Queen of Sheba and Thutmose III as the biblical Shishak.
In: https://www.academia.edu/11358194/Bible_Bending_Pharaonic_Egypt._Part_Two_B_Rehoboam_to_Jehoram
Velikovsky’s vitally important connections of El Amarna’s kings of Amurru with biblical kings of Syria.
Peter James’s terrific correcting of El Amarna’s Abdi hiba (Velikovsky’s king Jehoshaphat) to king Jehoram instead.
In: https://www.academia.edu/11399649/Bible_Bending_Pharaonic_Egypt._Part_Three_A_Jehu_to_Zechariah
One thing is sure, the conventional view of Ramses II as a contemporary of Moses is hopelessly wrong.
In: https://www.academia.edu/11645243/Bible_Bending_Pharaonic_Egypt._Part_Three_B_Joash_to_Hezekiah
Much of this pertains to my own work, locating the drama of the Book of Judith at the time of king Hezekiah of Judah.

I hope that this will be of some use to you ….
My best regards

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Complete Failure by Archaeologists to Recognise Era of Kings David and Solomon

Image result for dopey archaeologists

According to our research, pharaoh Thutmose III post-dated King Solomon, Thutmose being the biblical "Shishak King of Egypt" who despoiled the Temple of Yahweh shortly after Solomon's death (I Kings 14:25). See e.g. our:

Why Thutmose III can be ‘King Shishak of Egypt’

but current archaeologists present quite a different - and totally mystifying - scenario, as pointed out in this recent comment: 

.... very interesting article, from April 14, 2015? Take note of the recent "Egyptian" finds recovered at Kibbutz Lahav, probably the ancient Biblical city of "Ziklag" (the one that the Philistine king Achish gave to King David). Here we have found artifacts from the 15th century BC. but can we find anything from the 10th? Oh, no! It is as if the "more ancient" activities of Thutmose III and Amenhotep III were preserved as if by magic down to our day to prove their existence, while evidence of the more recent Kings David and Solomon have faded completely away to the point where their existence can be doubted.