Damien F. Mackey
“Velikovsky suggested that
the traumatic birth of Venus from Jupiter – as given in ancient myth – along
with various ravages it ostensibly then wrought within our solar system, might
provide an explanation for some of the seemingly miraculous events documented
in the Bible around the time of the Exodus from Egypt. These events Velikovsky
correlated to the mammoth eruption of Thera … and the end of the Middle Kingdom
in Egypt, which he surmised came to be known as the pillar of smoke by day and
of fire by night as Moses led his tribe out of Egypt”.
ago I read Dr. I. Velikovsky’s highly controversial book of supposed cometary wars
in the celestial sphere, World in Collision
(1950). I was initially interested because I had appreciated his biblically-friendly
revision of Eighteenth Dynasty Egypt as set out in his Ages in Chaos series, and I had thought that Velikovsky’s notions
of catastrophism might also help to explain some of the major biblical events,
such as the Exodus and the smashing of Sennacherib’s Assyrian army.
was only later, after I had determined that the demise of the massive Assyrian
army had nothing whatsoever to do with a Mars-generated catastrophe:
Finally, about 800 B.C., Venus nearly collided with the planet Mars. As
a result, the Martian surface was devastated and its orbit was disrupted, while
Venus settled into a new orbit where it became a planet and no longer menaced
the earth.26
Unfortunately, however, the new orbit of Mars now made it a threat to
earth in place of Venus. Although the Martian upheavals were not so violent as
the earlier Venerian calamities,27 the red planet still succeeded in
turning hack the shadow on the dial of Ahaz,28 wiping out the
Assyrian hosts of Sennacherib besieging Jerusalem,29 providing
phenomena for the striking catastrophes mentioned by several of the Old
Testament prophets,30 changing the length of the month and the year,31
influencing the outcome of the Trojan War,32 and adding a new war
god to the pantheon of many pagan religions.33
was entirely set in train by the intervention of the Jewish heroine, Judith
(see e.g. my):
“Nadin went into everlasting darkness”
I considered Velikovsky to be well off the track on this.
could I find any evidence whatsoever in the books of Moses for an ominous Venusian
presence. However, I had entirely forgotten in the course of time that
Velikovsky had also linked the Plague and Exodus at the time of Moses to the
eruption of Thera (Santorini), which I think may indeed be a plausible scenario
– especially as the dating of the vent has recently been revised to an era
earlier than the Eighteenth Egyptian Dynasty.
Dr. Velikovsky’s novel
We read a summary account of this controversy at:
In 1950, a Russian psychiatrist by the name of Immanuel Velikovsky
published a hugely controversial book called Worlds in Collision, in
which he posited, based on cross-confirming references taken from texts of a
wide range of ancient cultures, that Venus must be a recent addition to our
family of planets. In fact, Velikovsky argued, based on his sources, that Venus
as we know it must only be around 3500 years old. Moreover, Velikovsky
suggested that the traumatic birth of Venus from Jupiter – as given in ancient
myth – along with various ravages it ostensibly then wrought within our solar
system, might provide an explanation for some of the seemingly miraculous
events documented in the Bible around the time of the Exodus from Egypt. These
events Velikovsky correlated to the mammoth eruption of Thera around 1500 BC [sic]
– at the time of the demise of the Minoan culture and the end of the Middle
Kingdom in Egypt, which he surmised came to be known as the pillar of smoke by
day and of fire by night as Moses led his tribe out of Egypt.
Velikovsky, who was educated in psychiatry by Freud’s famous student
Wilhelm Stekel, was a longtime friend and colleague of Albert Einstein and had
established himself as a figure on the international scene, partly through his
work alongside Einstein and others during the founding of the Hebrew University
in Jerusalem.
His thesis, which was popularized by a highly visible preview article
published in Harper’s Magazine, was so very upsetting to the scientific
community of the day that a group of leading astronomers, led by Harlow Shapley
of Harvard University, launched a campaign to actively suppress Velikovsky’s
book. What began first as a letter-writing campaign to the publisher, whose
intent was to convince editors at MacMillan and Company to simply drop the
book, soon turned into an overt threat by leading Universities to boycott the
textbook division of MacMillan if they persisted in publishing it. Despite the
financial success of the book (it quickly became a runaway bestseller),
pressure from this campaign eventually resulted in the firing of the MacMillan
editor who originally signed Velikovsky’s book and culminated in the
highly-unusual decision by MacMillan to ultimately transfer its publishing
rights to a competitor, one that did not publish textbooks.
In retrospect, it is easy to understand why Velikovsky’s book might have
sparked such vehement upset in leading scientists of the day. First, Velikovsky
had the audacity when presenting his theory to transgress the unspoken
boundaries of several different academic fields – many of them not his own –
and had the sheer chutzpah to offer up non-quantifiable references from
ancient texts as evidence in support of a radical astronomic theory. Likewise,
the very notion that Venus could be younger than billions of years old served
to undermine the principle of uniformity – the notion that an unchanging
universe has persisted for millions of years- an important concept that
underpins Darwin’s theory of evolution. Furthermore, Velikovsky’s viewpoint
threatened to resurrect a kind of fire and brimstone religion that
modern science had actively worked to supplant for more than a century.
From the perspective of the conventional scientific wisdom of 1950,
Velikovsky’s thesis was simply outrageous. Events Velikovsky described, such as
the ostensible ejection of Venus as a comet from massive Jupiter, its near-miss
with the Earth, its direct collision with Mars that, in turn, catalyzed a
series of subsequent near-misses between Mars and the Earth, and the eventual
rapid circularization of the orbit of Venus as it settled down to become a
proper planet, seemed to violate fundamental principles of astronomic science
and planetary motion.
Also, each stage of Velikovsky’s scenario for the recent birth of Venus
carried with it a number of common-sense eventualities that ran directly
counter to then-current beliefs. For example, Velikovsky’s vision of a young
Venus (at that time thought by many to be quite Earthlike) implied that the
planet must, in fact, still be very hot. Velikovksy’s description of the
ostensible roamings of Venus implied that the planet would be found to have an
anomalous rotation and/or revolution. Likewise, a young planet should present a
markedly pristine surface as compared to other astronomic bodies in our solar
system. A close approach of Venus to our moon such as Velikovsky envisions
should have imparted magnetism to the moon’s rocks.
While discussing possible effects of theoretic encounters between Venus,
Mars and the Earth, Velikovsky made a number of suppositions about the likely
chemical composition of these bodies and the effects of likely chemical
interactions that are, in my opinion, largely speculative and unquantifiable,
and therefore suspect. I relegate these to the status of secondary issues,
since they are both difficult to demonstrate and have no direct bearing on
Velikovsky’s broader scenario.
There is hardly an argument or observation that has been made, either in
favor of or against the controversial astronomic theories of Immanuel
Velikovsky that has not been met with seemingly endless counter argument.
Emphatic treatises – both in favor of and against Velikovsky’s perspective, and
often given as definitive proofs – have been offered up by a long list of often
qualified, thoughtful, intelligent commentators. Often these arguments, taken
in the context in which they have been given (and sometimes justified to five
decimal points) may seem wholly sensible and convincing, and the reader may
come away believing that he or she has just unturned the final word on the
subject – until, a few months later, some new scientific discovery or fact
appears in print that can be seen to agree in some way with Velikovsky’s
outlook, and so the monster (once thought dead) again somehow rears its head.
Whole books have been compiled and edited simply to present the
wide-ranging arguments that have been offered up by various commentators about
Velikovsky’s Worlds In Collision. Consequently, over the course of
60-some years since the book’s original publication in 1950, the subject has
grown to encompass a fairly broad range of quite thorny – and often heatedly
debated – issues
One popular conception is that Velikovsky’s thesis was put to rest in
1974 at a Symposium held by the American Association for the Advancement of
Science in San Francisco during which a group of leading critics presented
papers against Velikovsky’s scenario, with Velikovsky in attendance to answer.
Likewise there have been numerous studies made on such wide ranging topics as
tree-ring growth, isotope absorption by plants, climate records preserved in
coral deposits,ice core studies, moon-rock magnetism, and changes in the
magnetic field of the Earth, each again offered up as definitive proof for or
against some aspect of Velikovsky’s thesis.
Given all that has been written against Velikovsky, it might seem
reasonable to approach the subject from the perspective that his Venus theories
must be wrong. However, the moment we adopt this stance, we begin to meet with
a number of sometimes intractable difficulties. The first and most obvious
involves the long and still-growing list of eventualities that are frequently
cited in ostensible support of his theories. Contrary to expectations, Venus has
turned out to be hot (hot enough at its surface to melt lead), its surface is
surprisingly pristine, its rotation is anomalous, it does exhibit
rotational resonance with the Earth, and so on. Our perspective against
Velikovsky’s viewpoint would require us to conclude that considerations of this
kind must then be the product of coincidence. But if our intent is to be fair,
the longer this list of coincidental facts grows, the more intractable a
credibility problem we eventually create for ourselves. Just how much recourse
to compounding coincidence are we willing to tolerate before we effectively
undercut our own viewpoint? The same is true for the many aspects of Venus
study that might be interpreted as supporting Velikovsky’s outlook but for the
proposal of some newly-anointed theory that effectively distances the new
finding from him? I have often said that Velikovsky could be wrong, but if so,
then he surely must be counted among the very luckiest researchers to have ever
published, given the sheer number of controversies that seem to continue to
fall in his favor. ….
More solid, in my
opinion, would be Dr. Velikovky’s assertion that the effects of the Theran volcanic
catastrophe could have produced the kind of phenomena described in the Book of
Ages in Chaos:
The Exodus: The True Story of Moses and the Pharaoh
According to Velikovsky
By Kemal
to the post presented below: “The theory that the
Thera eruption was the source of the plagues described in the Book of Exodus,
was first forwarded by the Egyptologist Hans Goedicke during the early
1980's, and has since become one of the most widely accepted explanations for
the events of the Exodus in modern biblical scholarship”.
The struggle of Moses with the Pharaoh of Egypt, who was also his
brother; the deliverance of his people from slavery; the ten plagues of Egypt,
the parting of the Red Sea are related in sacred texts full of miraculous
events. It is an integral part of the religious beliefs of Judaism,
Christianity and Islam. But what can we make of it in this scientific age with
its precise chronology of history? Immanuel Velikovsky in his book written half
a century ago, “Ages of Chaos”, has offered striking and ingenious solutions.
He has presented challenging scientific explanations, which convincingly solve
historical puzzles. Some recent historians have revived this thesis supported
with new evidence.
Immanuel Velikovsky (1895-1979) was born in Russia to a Jewish family.
He graduated from the University of Moscow majoring in ancient history and
sociology, he also received a degree in medicine, and later studied psychiatry
in Vienna under Wilhem Stekel a pupil of Sigmund Freud. Later he studied
cosmology, astronomy, geology, mythology, sacred literature and combined these
disciplines to rewrite history in a series of astonishing books. His most
important theory was that there have been a number of major catastrophes that
have shaped the course of history. However, due to what he termed “collective
amnesia”, the fact that people tend to push unpleasant event into their
subconscious, these events have been forgotten. Science has also tended to
ignore these catastrophes, for the same reason, even though they have left
signs everywhere. Modern research has tended to confirm that these catastrophes
have indeed occurred. One example is the discovery of huge meteor craters in
Iraq dated to 2300 B.C. This is now believed to have caused the decline of
major civilization in the Near East and to have triggered a dark age that
lasted for centuries. It is believed that the Israelites migrated to the more
hospital Nile delta at the end of this era. After some time a new Pharaoh who
had forgotten the period when Joseph was vizier enslaved the
According to the Pentateuch, because the Pharaoh did not release the
Israelites from bondage, Egypt suffered a series of ten plagues. These were:
1) Rivers and water sources turned into blood; 2) Frogs 3) Lice; 4)
Flies; 5) Disease and death of Livestock; 6) Boils; 7) Hail mixed with fire; 8)
Locusts; 9) Darkness; 10) Death of the first born.
The Eruption of the Santorini volcano in the Aegean Island of Thera was
believed to have occurred at that age. Geologists have given such diverse ages
as 1638 B.B. and 1360 B.C. for this catastrophe. Velikovsky claims that a chain
of volcanoes exploded causing the plagues of Egypt. The Santorini explosion is
known to have caused such radical changes such as the end of the Mycenaean
civilization. It was many times more powerful than the eruption of Karakatoa in
1883, which [shook] the world and caused 35 thousands deaths. …. The Santorini
eruption was believed to have been a thousand time more powerful than a nuclear
bomb. In the Pentateuch, it is mentioned that there as pillar of smoke by day
and a pillar of fire by night to guide the Israelites in their journey.
Velikovsky believes that the Sinai mountain, which is volcanic, erupted and as
volcanoes appear to be pillars of smoke by day and pillars of fire by night,
this would explain this enigmatic reference.
According to Velikovsky and recent theories, such volcanic eruptions
would explain the darkness, and hail and lightning are known to accompany
volcanic explosions of great magnitude. On a recent event, a river in America
turned red. With the poisoning of waters, frogs and other amphibian reptiles
would roam the land. Later they would die to create flies and lice, which would
spread boils and disease. Recent discoveries of mass graves from this period in
the Avaris region tend to confirm the theory of a plague.
How then can we explain the parting of the Red Sea? Velikovsky suggests
that the Israelites crossed the shallow Sea of Reeds. An earthquake triggered
by the eruptions caused the waters to fall back, and then to rush back to
swallow the chariots of the Pharaoh.
[Velikovsky’s] claim that there are faults in standard excepted Egyptian
chronology and that there is shift of a few hundred years is confirmed by a
number of modern revisionist historians such as David Rohl. Rohl like
Velikovsky offers hundreds of pages of evidence to support this claim. Other
scholars have claimed that most of the Old Testament, including the stay in
Egypt, Exodus, the fall of Jericho, the Temple of Solomon are works of fiction.
Rohl’s answer to this claim is that the wrong period in history is sought for
archeological evidence. If they went a bit further back all the evidence is
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