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Monday, February 17, 2014

Amenhotep III Shared Power With Akhnaton

CAIRO (AFP).- Egypt's antiquities ministry on Thursday revealed what it called conclusive evidence that revolutionary pharaoh Akhenaten shared power with his father.

Scholars had long debated whether Akhenaten, who tried to revolutionise ancient Egyptian religion, had shared power with his ailing father Amenhotep III.

The evidence came from the tomb of a pharaonic minister in the southern city of Luxor, inscribed with the cartouches of both pharaohs.

It was traditional for a minister's tomb to be adorned with the cartouche of the ruler.
The inscriptions found in the minister's tomb by an Egyptian-Spanish team dated back to a religious celebration marking Amenhotep III's 30th year in power, roughly eight years before his death and Akhenaten's ascension ....


Taken from: http://artdaily.com/index.asp?int_sec=11&int_new=68015#.UwJjy2J_vko

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